Rabu, 28 November 2007

Mirage Advertising (Audio Room) - 13 November 2007

Mirage Advertising is the one of the advertising company which offers service to make an advertising television. Mirage Advertising has been since 1997. There are many rooms at Mirage Advertising, like 14 editing rooms; control rooms; 2D, 3D and graphic room, audio room, audio room, etc. From this picture, it tells us the picture of audio room. There are many equipments in this room, like computer, screen to presentation, and other equipments to control the sound. People who work in this room must make sound effect. Before it, the picture or animation must be final in 2D, 3D and graphic room. So, the picture or animation is just be changed or inputted by sound effect. After it, the advertising is automatically released in music room. And the next activity is presentation. If there is a complaint from client based on this presentation, so it is changed again the song, or the animation that agreed by the client. Besides that, the client can also give the concept and file of animation and sound that the client wants. Usually, there are many ways to make the sound effect, like recording, dubbing, lipsing. For dubbing, usually there is vo talent. At last, I can tell that the equipments are kind of hard determinism, because if the equipments are incomplete, so the process can`t go on smoothly.

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide (15 November 2007)

Ogilvy is the Public Relations Worldwide which is the international agency. In Indonesia, Ogilvy just only in Jakarta, exactly at Mandiri Tower. There were many informations which I could get from Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, like the work of Public Relations, the solutions of the problem which were solved well with big idea, etc. From this picture, it is indeed not a high technology, because I only take picture about one of the activities at Ogilvy PR Worldwide, which is answering the telephone, and also there was a computer. It means that they already use the technology (but not new), just a simple technology like telephone and computer. I also think that it`s mediated communication, which is intrapersonal communication. Because telephone is communication process. In fact, there was new media at Ogilvy PR Worldwide, which is used finger-detect (for example, to go to toilet), but I don`t take photo of this media. Even that, Ogilvy also has CMC (Computer Meidated Communication). It can be seen by the world wide web as the technology for communication. It can be accessed in www.ogilvy.com

Radio Ardan (16 November 2007)

From this picture, I can say that there were many equipments. From the title about Radio Ardan, of course, these equipments about radio. Radio Ardan is the one of the station radios in Bandung. This picture tells us that in broadcast room must have these equipments (like mic, mixer, headphone, computer as data of music and script) and of course at least an announcer. Because the announcer who is connected and controlled these equipments directly. So, equipments and announcers are connected one another, especially in the broadcasting situation (on-air). For information, the script in Radio Ardan is made by the producer of the program. Ardan has 10 announcers, and some of the producers are also announcers. The programs of radio Ardan are dynamic, and based on the trend. The name of the programs are always the shortness form of language. For example, SILIWANGI (Siapkan Selimut Wangi), STMJ (Seru-Seruan Tiap Malam Jumat), etc. Finally, I can say that this media as synchronous media, because it takes place in real time (live radio) and it requires the audience to be presented when Radio Ardan broadcasts. I can also say that it is kond of mass communication, because the audience are in a large group.

99ers Radio (16 November 2007)

This picture was taken at the parking area of 99ers radio(at one of the tower at Bandung). From this picture, we can see obi van which was kind of car used to support an event from 99ers radio. Usually, the events are presented at schools, because the audiences of 99ers radio usually at the age of 15 until 24 years. So, it means that the audiences are students. Usually, the events were taken off air. Based on this picture, we know that obi van is a car which filled up with LCD TV, sound systems, computers which includes the data of music lists, etc. It`s a kind of communication that radio isn`t always broadcasting from studio (live), but it can also broadcast to promote its name at school, so the teenagers know 99ers radio more than usual. And at last, I can say that obi van is kind of media convergence, because obi van makes car not only for transportation but also for off-air radio. Obi van also changes the mass media communication, which radio isn`t always broadcasted from the broadcast room, but now radio can be broadcasted from obi van (off-air radio, like event promoting). The obi van is kind of mass communication because the audiences in a large groups.

Tornado at Dufan (14 November 2007)

Tornado is one of the games at Dufan. Even, Tornado is the newest games at Dufan, so it`s not surprised when the stand in line wasted much time. People had to wait for more about 20 minutes before playing this game. It is indeed so there was bad issue about Tornado recently. The issue was about Tornado isn`t safety, because there were people died caused of Tornado. But, of course it`s not true. Based on Edi Darmanto, as the customer service of Dufan, all at Dufan is for fun and happy. So, the issue was false, because Dufan guarantee the safety, if it`s not safe, so it is not permitted for visitors to play it. If there was something broken of the games, it can be controlled by signal electromagnetic. If the signal electromagnetic missed, so automatically the games can`t be operated. Sometimes, there was music concerts Tornado which cooperation with RCTI. It seems that there was nothing with Tornado, because when the concerts was going on, there was many visitors also played Tornado (as background of the music concerts). Tornado is kind of technology, because if there`s not technology, automatically it can`t be safe to be played by everyone. Signal electromagnetic was the sign that Tornado is kind of technology. This signal has a role as hard determinism, because if the signal miss, so the machine can`t be operated automatically. So, the signal must be present.

Senin, 26 November 2007

SCTV (Master Control) -13 Nov 07

This picture is one of the rooms in SCTV studio, which is called master control room. From this picture, we can see many computers, televisions, employees, video players, etc. The function of this room is controlling the live programs, which the left-television is the future scenes(programs, like the advertising`s lists), on the other hand, the right-television is the scenes(programs) that is showed at the moment on all the televisions at home. Besides that, this room also has many televisions (with smaller inches than the two televisions about SCTV). The other televisions are showed the other television channels (like Trans TV, Indosiar, etc) because these televisions are used to compare the quality of SCTV`s sound among the other television channels. Computers also useful to manage the list of the future scenes of the programs (movies), the list of the advertising, etc. Video players, of course useful to play the movies.
So, I can say that master control room is one of the technological determinism. It is belonging to hard determinism, because the existence of this room (and all the contents, like TV, computers, employees, video-players) is connected one another. Without one of them, so the SCTV broadcast can`t work smoothly.

Selasa, 06 November 2007


nice to meet all of you....
testing ya....